

Resolve to Grow in the New Year. Here’s How.

Rod Stuckey | 01/25/2018

 Last year we begin sharing our proven formula for Predictable Growth. It’s simple to understand, but not necessarily easy-peasy to execute. Here it is:


1. Grow your active customers. We define active customers as those who’ve given you money in the past 12 months. To accomplish this, we have two groups of folks we target. First are your inactive customers, those who’ve given you money in the past and are in your database, but not in the last year. And second are brand spanking new customers, who’ve never done business with you before. New blood. 


2. Increase annual customer value. This is accomplished by increasing the frequency of visits on an annual basis. It can also be impacted by boosting the average amount per transaction of each active customer.


So that’s the formula, and here are the principles we use to execute the formula:


Right Message, Right Market, Right Media, Right Time. Seems simple enough, right? It’s surprisingly easy to fumble. 


We often have dealers tell us, “my market is different” or “my dealership is different.” This is just not so. In fact, these four fundamentals are principle based and hold up for any business, not just powersports dealerships. For any businesses to thrive and prosper it must have a compelling marketing message, a specific target market to receive that message and respond to it, and it must be delivered at a relevant time.  While it seems simple, just like diet and exercise, most dealers don’t have the attention to detail and discipline to follow through, and therefore they waste tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars per year with marketing that was set up to fail before it ever even deployed. 


Here’s how easy it is to undermine these principles and render them useless: We call this the single.


1. Right Message – Right Market – Right Media – Wrong Time


2. Right Message – Right Market – Wrong Media – Right Time


3. Right Message – Wrong Market – Right Media – Right Time


4. Wrong Message - Right Market – Right Media – Right Time


Believe it or not, it can get worse as we often see: Here’s the double.


1. Right Message – Wrong Market – Right Media – Wrong Time


2. Wrong Message – Right Market – Wrong Media – Right Time


3. Right Message – Wrong Market – Right Media – Wrong Time


4. Wrong Message - Wrong Market – Right Media – Right Time


And, here’s the triple:


1. Right Message – Wrong Market – Wrong Media – Wrong Time


2. Wrong Message – Right Market – Wrong Media – Wrong Time


3. Wrong Message – Wrong Market – Right Media – Wrong Time


4. Wrong Message - Wrong Market – Wrong Media – Right Time


And the grand slam:


1. Wrong Message - Wrong Market – Wrong Media – Wrong Time


At our Marketing Boot Camps, we refer to these four fundamentals as the four-legged stool. If you remove any one leg, regardless of which one the stool will falter. This is exactly how your marketing works.


There is only one way to get it correct: Right Message - Right Market- Right Media - Right Time. 


All too often these four fundamentals are broken due to dealers waiting to the last minute and reactively choosing how they’ll spend their marketing budget, and/ or taking the easy way out and delegating to a Marketing Manager who hasn’t been properly educated. 


With the New Year upon us, you have plenty of time to create a proactive marketing plan that will create Predictable Growth by utilizing these four fundamentals. You can have a record year in 2018, regardless of what the stock market or fake news is saying about our industry. 


Here at PSM our entire religion is committed to executing based on our Predictable Growth Formula. If we can’t measure its success through quantifiable metrics, we don’t believe in it. 


Our new Firestorm Website platform was built from the ground up with a focus on conversions. And Firestorm Email, is the only email marketing platform designed exclusively for the Powersports industry, so you can send kick ass emails to your customers without knowing photoshop or having it take hours to build.  Our Local Web Dominator program is a complete A-to-Z digital marketing system that you can bolt on to your existing web presence that will make you the obvious choice to do business with in your local market. And our Sharp Shooter multi-channel direct marketing solution is a lead generation machine, and the backbone of our Predictable Growth system.


So, don’t be a procrastinator, resolve to grow in the New Year and contact us today at 877-242-4472 or via, so we can partner with you just as we have with over 800 other dealers in every corner of the country. 


Happy New Year!