“We all want to please others by saying yes. The yes must follow with action. If not, then there is a break in the system and fuels a lack of trust from your client, co-worker, or friend. In other words “under promise and over deliver.”
– John Ambuehl, Account Executive
“By being someone that does what they say they will do, it shows maturity and integrity in a way far more substantial than just being agreeable. Having accountability means that when you commit to something, you prioritize your day to honor those commitments. That’s not always easy with the fires that come up during a normal day, but having the trust of your team because you’ve earned it by always being accountable to your commitments will FAR outweigh the temporary satisfaction of putting out fires.”
– Tia Robinson, Digital Marketing Manager
“Our company core value number two WGMGD has become my way thinking for everything I do, both in the office and at home. Growing up playing sports I always keeping score by score, but I never really thought about keeping score in anything other than things related to sports or a competition.
Jimmy V asked his players “How do you get to where you want to go in life if you don’t know where you are? How do you know where you are in life if you don’t know where you started from?” To be successful in life you must first know where you came from, where you are currently, and where you want to go. You can only know this by measuring your activities and work along the way. Nothing happens without action first. If you don’t measure what you did how do you know if what you did was successful? Having a goal without a plan to get there is really just wishing for something to happen.
If I set a goal to shave a couple strokes off my golf handicap in the next 90 days that won’t happen just because you want it to. Again….Nothing happens without action first. I first must know “where I come from” and know what your handicap is. Now in order for me to “know where I am” I must keep score when I practice or play golf throughout the 90 days in order to know if I am getting closer to “where you want to be”?
WGMGD has become my personal checks and balance system for life."
- Josh Rapplean, Account Executive
“Attitude is the difference between average and excellent. With the right attitude (and supporting actions), we can learn from our failures and better our best, and ultimately achieve whatever we put our minds to. If we can control our attitude, we can control our outcome. You just have to make the choice and decide.”
- Eric Pedretti, Sales Director
“Powersports Marketing is like a family; we work together and follow a system to achieve goals as a team. We make sure every box gets checked, every client is handled with care, and every opportunity is a priority. We implement rules and systems to stay focused, organized, measure our goals, and drive our team to hit their personal goals.”
- Kelley Aldredge, Business Development Administrator
"Phrases like ‘garbage in, garbage out’, and ‘good is good, but great is better’ aren’t just for wall plaques and desk trinkets. They hold real value and, when implemented, you not only become more successful in your career, but you become a better version of yourself overall. Everyone is obligated to himself to use the resources available to continually improve. Done intentionally & for the right reasons, you not only enrich your own life, you enrich the lives of others, which is one of life’s highest purposes."
– Marisa Tils, Account Executive